
Who We Are - One Church
We are a thriving Catholic Community with a passion to worship God and serve the Lord in our wider community. We are made up of people from all walks of life, and from all ages and backgrounds. Many people who attend St Joseph's were not born or brought up in the parish - instead they have come to make up our family from all corners of this land, and from many countries around the world - and all are welcome here. St Joseph's is our parish home and family.

What We Do - One Faith
We primarily gather together to worship God during the celebration of the Holy Mass and other liturgies and services throughout the year. Our worship is simple and dignified, but inclusive as we seek to include different people from the parish community to take part. For some, Mass offers the opportunity for quiet reflection, for others it is an opportunity to become more involved - however you feel drawn, God is present among us.

Why We Do It - One Lord
We seek to be true to our baptismal calling to worship and put into action our faith in the communities around us - this means that many members of our church are involved in many social and charitable endeavours, and being so involved, they can witness to our faith in the world. Within the church community there are a number of groups which exist to minister to the wider church, the young, the elderly and the sick and housebound.
Christ is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever...a brief history of our Parish

“Before all else, the Gospel invites us to respond to the God of love who saves us, to see God in others and to go forth from ourselves to seek the good of others.” Pope Francis
Our Parish Priest

Father Benjamin Griffiths
I was brought up in Nuneaton, but with a Mum from Yorkshire. I came to Leeds University to study Law, with the intention of being a Barrister, but God had other plans for me! After six years training for the Priesthood at the English College, Valladolid, in Spain, I returned to Leeds, serving as Curate in 3 parishes in the Diocese. Then I was Parish Priest in Haworth for thirteen years. I had a long involvement in Healthcare Chaplaincy, serving as full-time Catholic Chaplain to the hospitals in Leeds for 14 years, before coming to St Joseph’s, Harrogate in August 2024.